The best sushi in Waregem of course from SushiCity
is it time for sushi in Waregem ? Look at our offer and you will know! If you really want to celebrate something, at home or at work, you can order directly from SushiCity . Here in Waregem and part of the municipality we also deliver the freshest, tastiest and most diverse sushi, as everyone is used to. Exactly as you are used to, or surprisingly tasty. But always delicious and festive. You can order directly, rediscover the feast of sushi. Have it delivered quickly or pick it up yourself . Japanese cuisine to your home (delivered). The best of Waregem !
Fast sushi delivery
Real sushi is fresh, so it should be served as soon as possible. SushiCity Waregem is specialized in this. We deliver the sushi in the shortest possible time both at our store and at your address. And always completely correct according to your order. Prefer to pick up sushi / to go? You are welcome in our location and see how it is freshly prepared for you.